JA creative studio specialises in Mac applications for individuals and businesses of all sizes. We only use the latest technology to deliver our applicaitons and our team of designers and developers work cohesively in order to deliver Mac applications which look great, and most importantly perform as they should.
We develop Applications for Mac's too! OSX, or 'macOS' as it is now known, relies upon the same foundations and languages that iOS is built upon. Our talent and expertise in developing desktop class applications ensures we can port your existing JA Developed applications to the Macintosh platform, or develop new applications for the ecosystem.Mac's are becoming more common in the workplace for their reliability while still retaining functionality compared to their Windows counterparts.Combining user centric design with prime backend development, our applications are optimised and developed natively for macOS - no low quality browser based windows here - scaling is cruical, and we ensure that we can bake in all your existing or planned features into a native application that can allow users to more easily carry out their work using their Mac device.Through working with hundreds of clients collectively, we have amassed a wide skill set including Objective C, Swift, and more, so we can develop your application to perfection.
Once the design is confirmed by the client, our development team being working on the backend and on implementing the design provided to them by the design team, after which a quality control tester will follow a carefully devised plan to test your application to the fullest.
Get in touch today to see how we can help your business excel!
See some of our past work and how we transformed projects, and businesses.
Get in touch with our team and see how we can help you with your next project.