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How to build up your business

So you’ve started your business, you’ve got the ideas for it but are you feeling stuck on how to take it further? Read below for advice on how to push your business to that next level. 


Make sure you’re always aware of why you’re running your business and where you want it to go. You can do this by setting up daily business goals that will slowly but consistently get you to your big goals by using SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound) to help you plan them. It will allow you to stay focused on the business’ future and keep you inspired. 

Always have a website 

Be smart about your online presence as the majority of people use the internet for information, including info about your business or industry. Make sure that your website looks professional and is responsive with all the important information on it so your customers know what you do, where you are situated and how to contact you. See a screenshot of our contact us page in the image on the right, we made it very easy to find us. 
The website is an important place for your customers to go to when they want to find out more or buy your products. 

Reach out to your target audience

The easiest way to reach new customers and clients is through social media, if you need tips on that click here. But another way to reach them is through word of mouth, which arguably takes a lot more effort, but people are more likely to trust information coming from a trusted friend. So how do you begin a word of mouth campaign? Visit conferences or networking events to get to know new people and drop into conversation your business, people may even ask you about your business themselves.  


Educate yourself enough that you know all the risks and realities of running a business, and how to deal with any problems that may come along. You can learn through books, articles or even online videos, not everything has to be learnt in a classroom or has to be expensive. 

Get opinions  

Talking to your friends and family about your business can really open your mind to how your company is seen but be prepared for the criticism as their honesty can help you improve. It’s not enough to assume that you know how your audience view your business, you need multiple views.

How is your business doing currently, or are you thinking of starting one? Let us know how you get on, we always enjoy hearing start-up stories!

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